How To Apply A Wood Brightener To A Deck

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There are two basic steps when prepping your exterior wood or deck for re-staining. The first step consists of using a wood cleaner or a wood stain stripper. This will help remove dirt, grime, mold, mildew and old deteriorated wood stains. When using a wood cleaner or stain stripper, the pH balance of the wood will rise to a 11 or 13 on the pH scale.

The second step is the use of a wood deck brightener. The brightener will lower the pH balance to a neutral state of 7 on the pH scale. Basically the wood deck brightener cancels out the high alkalinity of the wood deck cleaner/stripper. This is needed prior to applying the wood stain, helping overall stain performance.

To use a wood deck brightener:

  1. Prep the wood first with a wood cleaner or stain stripper.
  2. Makes sure all dirt and grime has been removed.
  3. Apply wood brightener while wood is still wet from the cleaning. Using a pump type sprayer is best.
  4. Wait 10-15 minutes then lightly rinse.

Why use a Wood Deck Brightener?

  • Easiest step in entire process
  • Immediate results
  • Brightens the wood
  • Sets wood to neutral pH balance after using wood cleaner or stripper
  • Removes Mill Glaze on new wood
  • Helps with stain performance
  • Least expensive step

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